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User Story Masterclass: Your In-Depth Guide to User Stories
Welcome to the Course!
Introduction to the course (1:47)
User Stories are not just for Agile (3:01)
Meet your instructors + Important Links
Recap of Agile
How the Agile Manifesto applies to User Stories (5:44)
How the Agile Principles applies to User Stories (4:20)
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of Agile
DOWNLOAD: Agile Manifesto and Principles Resource
Introducing User Stories
What are User Stories and why are they used? (2:49)
User Story format (3:38)
Let's Discuss: Who writes user stories and when are they written? (3:27)
3 C's for writing user stories (1:03)
ACTIVITY - Write your first User Stories
Difference between requirements and user stories (4:55)
Difference between use cases and user stories (1:03)
ACTIVITY - Use cases, user story, and requirements worksheet
User roles (3:30)
User personas (1:58)
ACTIVITY - User Roles and Persona activity
ACTIVITY - Iterating on User Stories with new Roles and Personas
Let's Discuss: User Stories (3:14)
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of the User Story basics
Acceptance Criteria
Understanding Acceptance Criteria (5:02)
Writing Acceptance Criteria (3:37)
Who writes Acceptance Criteria and when are they written? (2:32)
Acceptance Criteria best practices (2:40)
ACTIVITY - Adding acceptance criteria to your user stories
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of Acceptance Criteria
Write Better Stories with INVEST
INVEST explained (5:04)
Let's Discuss: INVEST Criteria (2:39)
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of INVEST
Non-User Stories
Understanding Spikes (4:37)
Understanding Infrastructure and Technical stories (2:35)
"Estimation" Explained (3:15)
Understanding the Fibonacci estimation technique (4:31)
Splitting User Stories
Introducing the concept of splitting (0:46)
Why split user stories? (3:00)
Splitting with Simplicity (2:23)
Splitting with Workflow (2:28)
Splitting with CRUD (2:47)
Splitting with Entry Method (1:48)
Splitting with Spikes (1:14)
Splitting Wrap Up (1:04)
DOWNLOAD - User story splitting resource
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of user story splitting
Common Challenges
Providing the who and the why (2:14)
Handling bugs and defects (3:18)
Dealing with dependencies (3:11)
Changing user stories mid-sprint (3:02)
Challenges using Agile Estimation (2:55)
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of common challenges
User Story Mapping
What are Story Maps? (3:00)
Why are Story Maps used? (1:22)
Creating a Story Map (2:23)
Walking through the creation of a Story Map (4:14)
Using Story Maps to Conduct Release Planning (2:23)
ACTIVITY: User Story Mapping Activity
QUIZ: Validate your understanding of User Story Maps
User Story - Final Activity
User Story Final Activity Introduction (2:42)
STAGE 1 - Review the Scenario (5:27)
STAGE 2 - Create User Stories
STAGE 3 - Review Groups
STAGE 3 (cont) - Review Group 1 (15:06)
STAGE 3 (cont) - Review Group 2 (13:28)
STAGE 3 (cont) - Review Group Lessons Learned (12:09)
STAGE 4 - Update and Iterate User Stories (0:49)
STAGE 5 - Analyze and Reflect (1:27)
Wrapping things up
Course conclusion + Bonus lecture
Using Story Maps to Conduct Release Planning
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